


2020 年成人高考学校招生全国统一考试


--I . Phonetics(5 points)

Directions:In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or letter

combinations marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the

one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark your answer by blackening

the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

1. A. shout B. cloud C. mouse D. tough

2. A. fear B. bear C. wear D. pear

3. A. post B. cost C. most D. host

4. A. chase B. base C. ease D. case

5. A. scare B. scene C. score D. scale

II. Vocabulary and Structure( 15 points )

Directions:There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four

choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence

and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

6. Johnson _______his meal when his friend Tim called him to eat out together.

A. had finished

B. has finished

C. finished

D. finishes

7. Cultural exchange plays an important role_______promoting relation between the two


A. in

B. on

C. at

D. to

8. The two teachers taught him 30 years ago, but_______of them can recognize him now.

A. either

B. none

C. each

D. Neither

9. The education committee_______his proposal without giving him any reason.

A. turned up

B. turned down

C. turned out

D. turned in

10. He______late into the night, but now he goes to bed early due to health reasons.

A. used to work

B. used to working

C. is used to working

D.is used to work11. Modern science and technology has shortened the distance between people and brought us


A. most

B. much

C. too

D. very

12. The news______the general manager had been arrested shocked everyone.

A. which

B. how

C. that

D. why

13. Researchers are trying to_____what’s wrong with their experiments.

A. pull out

B. call out

C. take out

D. figure out

14. My computer broke down yesterday. I’ll have it_____as soon as possible.

A. fixing

B. fixed

C. fix

D. to fix

15. The question I am going to raise today is in __ __ with yesterday s discussion.

A. connection

B. company

C. contrast

D. contact

16. I still remember the house______we lived when we arrived in Seattle in 2010.

A. when

B. that

C. which

D. where

17.______,the issue doesn't seem to be difficult at all.

A. With my view

B. From my view

C. For my view

D.In my view

18.I couldn't go to the meeting because I had to______my brother after his accident.

A. take after

B. look after

C. look over

D. take over

19. Tom______the car accident if he hadn't drunk alcohol before driving.

A. would avoid

B. avoidedC. would have avoided

D. will avoid

20. Whenever I was free, I would chat with John, Helen and a few______friends.

A. the other

B. another

C. other

D. others

Ⅲ.Cloze(30 point)

Directions:For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A, B, C and

D. Choose the one that is most suitable and mark your answer by blackening the

corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Teachers are some of the most important professionals in the world. They are responsible

21 preparing future generations to become productive and honest citizens, who will 22 to society

for the whole of their adult life.

Obviouslythe most common reason 23 teachers decide to teach is the ability to make a

difference.There are many professions that give people the ability to have a(n) 24 impact on

the world and change people's lives, 25 few professions have a direct impact on 26 a better

society as teachers do. People tend to 27 their teachers for years after they finish school, for good

teachers can 28 their students to become something that they 29 thought they could be, or to

work 30 a field that they thought they did not 31 .

Teachers are also important because they provide 32

for their students. In certain low

-income areas 33 some students may not have both of their parents 34 teachers can provide an

impor-tant influence that helps their students make the right 35 even when they are not in the

classroom.Generally, teachers' impact on students can last all through their life.

21. A. of B. in C. for D. to

22. A. attribute B. contribute C. substitute D. distribute

23. A. what B. why C. which D. how

24. A. firm B. positive C. definite D. absolute

25. A. or B. but C. so D. and

26. A. creating B. discovering C. inventing D. designing

27. A. remind B. remember C. reflect D. review

28. A. inspire B. force C. order D. demand

29. A. never B. rather C. ever D. still

30. A. in B. on C. as D. at

31. A. act B. fit C. ask D. sit

32. A. requests B. commands C. guidance D. reference

33. A. when B. where C. what D. which

34. A. away B. ahead C. along D. around

35. A. decisions B. revisions C. correction D. connection

IV. Reading Comprehension( 60 points)

Directions : There are five reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by four

questions.For each question there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the

best answer and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Passage OneMusic is part of the structure of our society; it sits at the heart of human experience and enriches

(丰富) so many lives. Why, then, is it not central to our education system? This is a question I

recently put forward to an all-party group on music education.

1 am 20 years old and began playing the piano at the Barracudas Band in Barrow-in-Furness,aged

seven. The funding for the centre has now been cut. I took part in the primary tuition project, aged

11.The funding for that has also been cut now. It is a common problem across the country.

Music is not an add-on, a“soft" subject or a luxury- it is absolutely essential to our existence.Every

child deserves the opportunity to experience its benefits. Until music is held in the same regard as

the“core”subjects of our curriculum, our society will be worse off. We need joy, empathy (共情)

and hope on this planet more than ever, and taking away children’s opportunity to develop musical

skills is to set ourselves up for a fall. Despite the many brilliant programs and projects to

encourage young musicians (“Every Child a Musician," “Awards for Young Musicians ,”to name

but a few)we are reaching a crisis point. We are in danger of destroying creativity, innovation (

) and expression. Learning an instrument can help develop so many fundamental life skills. It

promotes discipline,empathy, determination and cooperation as well as providing a sense of

community and worth.

Music has changed my life. It is a huge part of who I am. I have learned so much about the world

through music and the inspiring figures I have met through it. I feel I have a duty to help ensure

that others can benefit from its magic. Let us make it available to every single child.

36. Why did the author raise the question on music education?

A. The funding for music education has been cut.

B. The band the author joined in has broken up.

C. The project the author was in no longer exists.

D. The tuition fee for music training has risen.

37. What does the author think of the role of music?

A. It is important for dealing with social crises.

B. It may offer children future job opportunities.

C. It is fundamental to the growth of a child.

D. It can help children learn core subjects.

38. What is the theme of the passage?

A. Music education should be available to every child.

B. Music training programs should be provided free.

C. Music should be placed at the top of the curriculum.

D. Music should be made popular across the country.

39. What is the author’s attitude towards music?

A. Positive.

B. Critical.

C. Doubtful.

D. Indifferent.

Passage Two

In 2011, a dog owner named Robert uploaded a video titled “Guilty!" to YouTube. He had

come home finding his two dogs near an empty bag of cat treats. The first dog behaved calmly.

But the second dog, Denver, sat shaking in a corner, her eyes looking down, which made Robert

believe it was she who had done it. Seeing her“apparent admission of guilt," he yelled at her,“Youdid this!" Denver beat her tail nervously.“You know the routine. In the kennel (狗窝)!”Following

the command, the dog shut herself in.

The video quickly gathered a flood of comments. Since then,dog shaming”has become

popular on the internet, as owners around the world posted beside notes shots of their trembling

pets in which the dogs seemed to admit bad behavior. For instance,“I ate an extra large

pizza,"admits a chocolate Lab.Human enthusiasm for guilty dogs seemed growing.

But according to a researcher at Barnard College, what we consider to be dog ’s guilty look is

no sign of guilt at all. Ina 2009 study. The researcher had owners forbid their dogs from eating an

attractive treatand then asked the owners to leave the room. While each owner was gonethe

researcher either removed the treat or fed it to the dog:When the owners returned, they were

told-regardless of the truth-that their dogs either had or had not eaten it.If owners thought their

dogs had done something wrong, blames followed, and guilty looks quickly emerged. Yet dogs

who hadn’ t eaten the treat were more likely to appear guilty than dogs who had--so long as their

owners scolded them. Far from signaling regret, one group of researchers wrote in a 2012 paper,

the guilty look of dogs is very likely a means to show obedience (顺从) to their owners.

40. What did Robert want to show with his video on YouTube?

A. Dogs’conflict with other pets.

B. Dogs’naughty behaviors.

C. Dogs’trust in their owners.

D. Dogs’apparent guilty looks.

41. How did people react to Robert' s video?

A. They started to share dog shaming photos.

B. They began to blame their own dogs.

C. They began to read stories about dogs.

D. They started to show sympathy for his dog.

42. What does“a chocolate Lab" in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A. A scientist.

B. A dog.

C. A researcher.

D. A cat.

43. Why do dogs wear a guilty look according to the researchers?

A. To attract their owners

B. To deceive ther owners.

C. To beg their owners for treats.

D. To show obediene to their owers.

Passage Three

In the race to the moon, who came in first?

You might say the answer is Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins, the crew of

Apollo 11.Or you could represent for the crew of Apollo 10, which reached the moon in May 1969

and then headed back to Earth without landing.

But there is a much stranger answer to this question, depending on how much you care about

humans and what your definition ( ) of reaching the moon might be. Before any people

arrived at the moon, other animals had got there first. And unlike the dogs and monkeys that were

made famous in early space shots and Earth orbits, the first creatures to reach the moon were apair of tortoises, Discovery 's Amy Shira Teitel reminded us

The Soviet spacecraft ( 天器 ) sent the animals around the moon -although not into its

orbit-during a mission in the middle of September, 1968. The unmanned (无人驾驶的) craft then

returned to Earth and dashed into the Indian Ocean, after which the Russians recovered the craft.

A month later, Soviet scientists revealed that the spacecraft had been a tiny ship, carrying the

tortoises, wine flies, meal worms, plants, seeds, bacteria, and other living matter.

The tortoises, as history records, lost about 10 percent of their body weight, but had a healthy

appetite when they returned to Earth. In the following checkups comparing the animals

to“stay-at-home turtles used as a test control, ”most things seemed normal, aside from some

vaguely explained minor problems with the liver.

What this all means is that, as Teitel explained,“The first living beings to see an Earthrise

from the Moon were Russian tortoises. However, as far as I can tell, the animals were not named.”

44. According to the passage, which of the following reached the moo first?

A. A pair of tortoises.

B. American astronauts.

C. Russian astronauts.

D. Dogs and monkeys.

45. What happened to the Soviet spacecraft?

A. It was wrecked during the mission.

B.It was recovered after its return to Earth.

C. It stayed in the moon's orbit.

D. It disappeared in the outer space.

46. What was the biggest change in the tortoises in Paragraph 6?

A. They showed abnormal behaviors.

B. They had serious liver problems.

C. They lost their appetite for food.

D. They had obviously lost weight.

47. What do Teitel' s words in the last paragraph imply?

A. The tortoises were fond of seeing Earthrise.

B. The tortoises were not given due credit for their experience.

C. The tortoises were not named after the Soviet spacecraft.

D. The tortoises were famous all over the world.

Passage Four

Vegans try to live, as much as possible, in a way that avoids exploiting and being cruel to

animals.This means following a plant-based diet. Vegans do not eat animals or animal-based

products like meat,fish, seafood, eggs, honey and dairy products such as cheese. For many vegans,

living a committed vegan lifestyle means not wearing clothes made from animal skins and

avoiding any products which have been tested on animals.

Vegans argue that suffering is caused in the production of these foods. For example, they say

that,on some dairy farms, male calves (小牛) are killed because they are too expensive to keep,

and cows are killed when they get older and produce less milk. As for honeyvegans say that bees

make honey for bee, not for humans, and that bees’health can suffer when humans take the honey

from them. Vegans believe that the products they use and consume should be free from not just

cruelty but any exploitation of animals.The main reason for going vegan is probably that they believe animals and all other sentient

(有感 知能 力的 ) beings should have the right to life and freedom. However, there are other

reasons. Vegans argue that the production of meat and other animal products is very bad for the

environment. They point out that a huge quantity of water is needed to grow grain to feed animals

in the meat industry. The enormous amount of grain which the meat industry needs often leads to

forests being cut down and habitats ( 栖息地) being lost. In contrast, much lower quantities of

grain and water are needed to sustain a vegan diet. In addition, many vegans say that all the

nutritious elements our bodies need are contained in a carefully planned vegan diet and that this

type of diet helps prevent some diseases.

48. What is a vegan in this passage?

A. A person who likes to grow vegetables.

B. A person who is fond of eating meat.

C. A person who keeps a plant-based diet.

D. A person who stays away from animals.

49. Which of the following could be found in a vegan’s diet?

A. Eggs.

B. Honey.

C. Milk.

D. Potatoes.

50. What belief do vegans hold?

A. Animals can help improve the environment.

B. Animals have the right to life and freedom.

C. Animal products lead to the rise of grain output.

D. Animal products are far more nutritious.

51. What does the author want to imply in this passage?

A. Going vegan consumes more water and gain.

B. Going vegan enables people to live a healthier life.

C. Going vegan helps to develop meat industry

D. Going vegan has been a lifestyle for the majorities.

Passage Five

There are many interesting news items in BP's (英国石油公司) annual Energy Outlook just

published. But perhaps the most astonishing suggestion in the report is the idea that cutting back

on plastic use could make matters worse. This might be what you would expect BP to say. After all,

as one of the world’s biggest oil companies, it makes a lot of money from selling products in

plastic.But let's look at the thinking behind BP's argument.

If the current opposing idea about the use of plastic continues, there could be a worldwide

ban on single-use plastics by 2040. But the document argues that switching plastic for other

materials will have a bigger cost in terms of energy and carbon emissions (排放). That sounds like

the law of unintended (非故意的) consequences in action. When plastic bags are measured against

paper or cotton substitutes, a BBC analysis found there wasn't a great deal of difference in their

environmental impact.Paper bags require fewer reuses to make them more environmentally

friendly than single-use plastic bagswhich means customers have to replace paper bags more


Environmentaliststhough, are not entirely convinced. They think that BP is stressing theproblem of banning plastic for its own interest. “While it's true that it takes less energy to produce

and transport plastic than glass, a glass bottle can be reused dozens of times and is recyclable.

Plus materials like glass when they escape collection don't go on polluting our oceans and rivers

for hundreds of years”said Louise Edge, from Greenpeace UK.

Steps to encourage recycling are being taken. The UK, for example, will introduce a new tax

on the manufacture and import of plastic packaging in 2022. There are also lots of developments

taking place with alternative materials. These may be the final defense against the unintended

consequences of plastic

52. What is astonishing about BP' s annual report?

A. BP has earned a lot of money by selling plastic products.

B. Cutting back on plastic use may bring more problems.

C. BP has become one of the world' s biggest oil companies.

D. Cutting back on plastic use may affect product quality.

53. Which of the following could be banned worldwide by 2040?

A. Second-hand cotton begs.

B. Reusable paper bags.

C. Single-use plastic bags.

D. Recyclable glass bottles.

54. According to environmentalists, what causes BP to oppose banning plastics?

A. Its consideration of its own interest.

B. Its worry about the loss of consumers.

C. Its desire to influence world economy.

D. Its concern about the environment.

55. What measure is being taken by the UK to cut back on the use of plastics?

A. Forbidding the import of plastic bags.

B. Banning the manufacture of plastic bags.

C. Taxing on the use of plastic bags.

D. Developing alternative materials to plastic.

Ⅴ.Daily Conversation(15 points)

Directions: Pick out appropriate expressions from the eight choices below and complete the

following dialogue by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

A. How about your presentation?

B. He needs it for tomorrows presentation

C. I think so.

D. Where are you heading?

E. You are welcome.

F. No problem!

G. What can I do for you?

H. No, thanks!

Alice: Hi, Sam! It's nice to see you here.

Sam: Hi, Alice!

Alice: 56

Sam: To my dorm.

Alice: Great! Could you take this book to Peter?Sam: 57 Does Peter know what it is for?

Alice: Yes. 58

Sam: 59 Are you well prepared for it?

Alice: 60 See you tomorrow !

Sam: See you !

VI. Writing( 25 points)

Directions :For this part, you are supposed to write an e-mail in about 100 - 120 words based on

the following situation. Remember to write it clearly.

(Li Yuan)收到美国朋友 Thomas e-mail, 他提及要来中国留学的想法。请给他回一封












I . Phonetics






II. Vocabulary and Structure

6.答案] A


[应试指导] 句意: Johnson 的朋友叫他一起出去吃饭时 ,他已经吃完饭了。 空格后面时

间状语从句中的谓语动词为过去时,根据句意,空格处应用过去完成时,故选 A

7.[答案] A


[应试指导]句意:文化交流在促进两国关系方面发挥着重要作用。play an important role in...


8.[答案] D


[应试指导]句意:三十年前两位老师都教过他,但是现在老师们都认不出他了。根据 but 可知

前后两句意思相反,即现在老师们认不出他了”,故排除 AC 两项。none 三者或三者以

上任意一个都不.....”.neither 两者之间任意一个都不....”,故选 D




turned up意为出现;调大

turned down 意为拒绝;关小”,turned out 意为结果是”,turned in 意为归还”,故选 B

10. [答案] A


[应试指导]句意:以前他经常加班到深夜,但现在因为身体原因,他早早就睡了。used to do sth.


常做某事”,be used to doing sth.意为习惯做某事”,故选 A




空格处需要填一个可以修饰形容词比较级 closer 的副词。most 般修饰形容词的最高级形

式,much 可以修饰形容词的比较级形式,too very 不能修饰比较级,故选 B

12.[答案] C



引导同位语从句,且只起连接作用,不充当从句中的任何成分,故选 C

13.[答案] D


[应试指导] 句意:研究人员正试图找出他们实验中存在的问题。pull out 意为退出;(火车)

”,all out 意为唤起,召集”,take out 意为取出,除去”,figure out 意为弄清楚,故选 D

14.[答案] B[考情点拨]考查 have 的使役用法。

[应试指导]句意:我的电脑昨天坏了,我会尽快修好的。have sth. done 为固定用法,have 在这


的施行者,只强调接受动作的一方,故选 B

15.[答案] A


[应试指导]句意:我今天要提出的问题与昨天的讨论有关。be connection with 意为“.....有关

为固定搭配,且符合句意,故选 Abe in company with 意为随同,随行”,be in contrast with

与某物形式对比”,be in contact with 意为与某物接触;与某人交往

16.[答案] D


[应试指导]句意:我仍然记得我们 2010 年到达西雅图时住的房子。分析句子可知,空格处需

要填一个连接词引导定语从句。先行词是 the house,定语从句中缺少地点状语,where 可以作

地点状语,故选 D

17.[答案] D


[应试指导]句意:在我看来, 这个问题似乎并不困难。in my view 意为在我看来,为固定

短语,故选 D

18.[答案] B


[应试指导]句意:我不能去参加会议,因为我不得不在我哥哥出事后照顾他。take after 意为

效仿,长得像look after 意为照顾”,look over 意为仔细检查 take over 意为接管”,

故选 B

19. [答案] C

[考情点拨] 考查虚拟语气。

[应试指导]句意:如果 Tom 在开车前不喝酒,他本可以避免车祸。分析句子可知,该句是对

过去的虚拟,从句的谓语动词用 had done 形式,主句的谓语动词用 would have done 形式,

故选 C

20.[答案] C


[应试指导]句意:每当我有空的时候, 我就会和 Johnson Helen 还有其他几个朋友聊天。

空格后为名词的复数形式,分析句子可知,空格处需填一个形容词。“the other+名词复数

指某一范围内的其他的(人或物)”。相当于 the others,指剩余的全部;another 泛指同类事物中

三者或三者以上中的另一个”;other 作形容词时指其他的,作代词时指另外一个”;others

相当于“other+名词复数”,指剩余的另一些,并非全部。故选 C

Ⅲ. Cloze

21.[答案] C


[应试指导] be responsible for 通常指“...负责任”,后接名词或动名词; be responsible to 通常


22.[答案] B




attribute 意为...归因于”;contribute 意为捐献,做贡献,常与 to 搭配;substitute意为代替”;distribute 意为分配。根据句意,故选 B

23. [答案]B

[考情点拨] 连词辨析题。


定教书的最常见原因是能够改变现状。reason 作先行词,定语从句表示某事物的原因,则引导

词用 why。故选 B

24. [答案] B


[应试指导] 本句句意:有很多职业让人们有能力对世界产生积极的影响,改变人们的生活。

firm 意为坚定的”,positive 意为积极的”,definite 意为明确的”,absolute 意为绝对的。根据

句意,故选 B

25.答案] B



空格前的 many professions 和空格后的 few professions 以及句意可知,空格前后句子之间为

转折关系,but 意为但是,表转折,故选 B

26. [答案] A



意为创造discovering 意为发现”,inventing 意为发明”,designing 意为设计。根据句意,

故选 A

27.[答案] B


[应试指导]本句句意:人们在完成学业后往往会记住他们的老师很多年。remind 意为提醒,

使想起remember 意为记得”,reflect 意为反映" ,review 意为复查;重新考虑。根据句意,

故选 B

28.[答案] A



inspire 意为激励”,force 意为强迫”,order 意为命令demand 意为要求。根据句意,故选


29.[答案] A


[应试指导]本句强调老师对学生能够起到巨大的激励作用。never 意为从不”,rather 相当;

稍微”,ever 意为曾经”,still 意为仍然。根据句意,故选 A

30.[答案] A



们认为无法胜任的领域工作。ina field 意为在某一领域”,符合题意,故选 A

31.[答案] B



们认为自己不适合的领域工作。act 意为行动,表现" ,fit 意为适合”,ask 意为询问”,sit 意为坐下。根据句意,故选 B



[应试指导]本句句意:教师的重要性还在于他们为学生提供指导。requests 意为

”,commands 意为命今guidance 意为指导”,reference 意为参考。根据句意,故选 C





且在从句中作地点状语,故选 B

34.[答案] D

[考情点拨] 副词辨析题。

[应试指导] away 意为离开,在别处 ahead 意为在前面 along 意为向前;一起”,around

意为四周,周围”,have..around 意为.“....在身边,符合题意,故选 D

35.[答案] A


[ 试 指 导 i decisions ”,revisions 订 , 复 习 ”,correction

”,connection 意为联系,make the right decisions 意为做出正确决定,符合题意,故选 A

IV. Reading Comprehension

36.[答案] A


[应试指导]文章第二段“The funding for the centre has now been cut”“The funding for that has

also been cut now 表明,音乐教育的经费被削减了。

37.[答案] C


[应试指导]文章第三段提到,音乐不是附加的,不是科目,也不是奢侈品它 绝对是我们生










39.[答案] A







[应试指导 1 根据文章第一段中的“a video tiled' Guilty!” “Seeing her‘apparent admission of

guilt'”可知,Robert 想在 YouTube.上用他的视频展示狗内疚的表情。41.[答案] A


[应试指导]根据文章第二段““dog shaming”has become popular on the internet, as owners

around the world posted beside notes shots of their trembling pets in which the dogs seemed to

admit bad behavior”可知,人们看到 Robert 的视频后,开始在网上分享狗内疚的表情的图片。

42.[答案] B


[应试指导]文章第二段提到,人们看到 Robert 的视频后,开始在网上分享狗内疚的表情的图

片,它们颤抖着承认自己干了坏事。由此可以推断,a chocolate Lab 是一只狗。

43.[答案] D


[应试指导] 文章最后一段最后一句提到,狗做出内疚的表情很可能是向主人[表示服从的一


44.[ 答案] A

[考情点拨] 事实细节题。

[应试指导] 文章第三段最后一句提到,最先到达月球的是一对乌龟。

45.[答案] B


[应试指导]文章第四段提到,1968 9 月中旬的一次任务中,苏联的航天器将动物送入月球



46.[答案] D


[应试指导]文章第六段提到, 据史料记载,这些乌龟的体重下降了约 10%,但回到地球后却



47.[答案] B



Teitel 所知,这些动物并没有被命名。由此可知,这些乌龟并没有因为它们的经历而得到应有


48. [答案] C




49.[答案] D




50.[答案] B

[考情点拨] 事实细节题。



51.答案] B[考情点拨]推理判断题。




52.[答案] B


[应试指导] 文章第一段第一、二 句提到,英国石油公司刚刚发布的年度《能源展望》中有



53.[答案] C


[应试指导] 文章第二段第一句提到,如果继续反 对使用塑料, 2040 年可能会在全球范围内


54.[答案] A


[应试指导] 文章第三段第一、二句提到,环保主义者认为,英国石油公司是为了自己的利益


5.[答案] D


[应试指导) 文章最后一段第二句提到,英国将在 2022 年对塑料包装的生产和进口征收新税,



V. Daily Conversation

56.[答案] D


58.[答案] B


60. [答案]C

VI. Writing



(1)本题总分为 25 分,分五档给分。



(4)字数不足 100 或超出 120 的,酌情扣 1 ~2 分。




第五档(21 ~25 )



第四档(16 ~20 )


主题明确;内容完整,层次清楚;文字连贯;语法结构有变化,词汇比较丰富;有少量语言错误。第三档(11 ~15 )



第二档(6 ~10 )




第一档(1 ~5 )



(0 )








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